
Monday 11 December 2017

Project Based Learning - (The End Result)

Project Based Learning

For our Project Based Learning, James, Sapphire and I wanted to help the people who are less fortunate.

And since it is nearly the time of year where you are meant to give back to others, we thought, what better way to do that than to raise money and buy a Christmas present for at least one homeless person.

We came up with the idea that we should put together a box, that has the essentials that a homeless person would need eg a Blanket, Toothbrush, etc.

Unfortunately, we couldn't go through with the box idea as we thought that it would just be more for them to carry.

So as a team we brainstormed how we could make them more comfortable. And we all came up with a Bag.

We then looked online at the Warehouse & Kmart sites to see if we could find a few items that would help them.
I came up with the idea that we should search up and then list what they would actually need.

When we completed our Christmas Hamper with a total of $100+ and our winner of the raffle (Mrs. Beer) was satisfied,
I then took action and went out to both stores to buy everything we needed for our perfect bag for our one homeless person that we wanted to help.

The Items that I am about to show you are the supplies we bought with the money from our Christmas hamper:

Tooth Brush - $5 (Kmart), ToothPaste - $1 (Warehouse), Nail clippers - $3 (Warehouse), Socks - $4.50 (Warehouse), Cotton buds - $1 (Warehouse), Hat - $5 for bucket hat (Warehouse), Band-aids - $3. 80 (Warehouse), Baby Wipes - $1 (Warehouse) Hair Brush - $5 (Warehouse), Deodorant - $4 (Warehouse), Neck Pillow $8 (Kmart), Blanket $10 (Warehouse), Toiletry Bag $5 (Warehouse), Bag $4 (Kmart)

Even though we didn't have the End Result that we hoped for eg helping more than 10 homeless people. I'm Glad that we got to spread Christmas spirit to at least one homeless person. Because to me, one act of kindness can change at least one person's life.