
Sunday 8 September 2019


How my art will be influenced by my art history artists, is that I will be adding into some of my art pieces a template of what one of my art history artists used (Manjit Thapp). I really enjoyed her contrast of the art being shown in 4 different boxes showing different shades of emotions and sadness. I wanted to use this template to create a 'then and now' approach of only hair and makeup fashion icon looks of what women like my mum considered beautiful and what I consider beautiful.

Image result for manjit thappMy concept for my two artboards is to represent how all things 'Women' have changed over the period of time. My concept will be emersed with powerful women represented throughout the ages. It will show the way clothing has changed and also show the difference between the beauty standards from a then and now perspective. My why is so that not only girls/women but boys/men can see that the 'Norm' of what society tells females to look like changes over the periods of time, and that we are simply human and can not live up to these unobtainable images. My powerful wahine (women) you truly are beautiful the way you are, and you don't need to change to fit the 'Norm' of society. The reason we all are different is that we as women can not be categorized. Its time we rise and focus on ourselves instead of what every other person wants you to be. 

Generation of ideas 1:

One of my other art history artists is great Banksy. I want to use his most iconic piece 'Girl with Balloon' for its color palette in more of my pieces going on my second board to show that the beauty standards of the 'then' (of plastic surgery, lip injections, botox) have clouded the vision of young girls such as myself. I also want to incorporate his powerful message of when his art was being auctioned off for millions of dollars. For people than to be surprised at his work shredded up with the built-in shredder to the frame. I hope to complete a shredded piece of artwork nearing the end to close my whole message up. By using what the world perceives the ideal image to look like, but beneath all of the cut paper, you will then see different sized women with stretch marks and everything that makes a woman who she truly is.

My last art history artist that I would like to incorporate is the way that Hayden Williams creates his females. I think that the tall, slim thick models represent what the world perceives women to be like with big lips, big waist, and big breasts.  I want to draw the same women of what society wants and then contrast the stunning 'Perfect' women with different sized women and of different colors, clothed with any style of clothing that they have chosen to wear to express THEMSELVES.

Generation of ideas 2:

More depth paragraph 

Generation of ideas 3:
I experimented with paint, as well as using the lightbox to trace out all of the different females from the different eras. I drew and painted hair and makeup that will contrast well with all of the different colored women so that that the viewers are emersed within the pieces and the meaning behind it. I think that by doing this, if done well will really represent how women have been throughout the ages, and what they had been told by society to, look and dress like. However, there have been some difficult moments. I struggled with making my first 10 pieces perfect that when every little part wasn't exactly how I envisioned, I would overwork the art pieces and worked way too long on them. This meant that I lost a lot of time that I could have been spending on my other artwork. Like one of the art pieces backgrounds were not going the way I planned for, so then caused me to paint it multiple times. It was frustrating, however, in the end, it made me work harder and faster so that I could get my other art pieces done.

(Put Pictures)

Development of ideas 1:
My first art pieces include 10 pieces showing what was classed as appropriate and the Norm for what women were told by society to wear from the 1900s-2000s.
I made a timeline of all of the clothes that were 'In', showcasing how society portrays women to look like.
As you can see below, all 10 photos link to an era of time of what was acceptable. For example, the first image (1900's) shows a woman covered completely and then in contrasts through the 100 years to the last image or (2000's) where you can see a woman who has exposed breasts with the tank top, that was (in) during that period of time. you can also see her waist with the low cut jeans.
(Put Picture of 10 pieces)

Development of ideas and media 2:

Development 3:

Refinement 1:

Generation 4:

Development of ideas and media 4:

Generation 5:

Development 5:

Refinement 2:

Extension 1:

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