
Monday 14 August 2017

Mimicking H2O!

Mimicking H2O 

Aim: My Aim is to Mimic Water (H2O), We can do this by using NaOh & Hcl (a Bass & a Acid). 
If we get the same amount of NaOh & Hcl together we will make Water.

Equipment Needed:
Universal Indicator 
Measuring Cylinder 

First you are going to Get your your Equipment out, then you get your Bass, Acid and also your Universal indicator. 

You go ahead and measure inside your Measuring Cylinder 10ml of NaOh. Once you have got 10ml of NaOh you place it carefully into your Beaker. 
You put your Universal Indicator in and what the Universal Indicator does is shows the colour of the liquid to see if it is more acidic or has to much bass in. 
After you wash your measuring Cylinder you measure 10ml of Hcl, you get your Pipette and put little bits at a time in the Beaker that contains NaOh & Universal Indicator in it.
After every  pinch of Hcl you mix the beaker, once it changes colours either to purple/blue to Red/Orange 

Wednesday 2 August 2017

My Essay!

In this Essay I am going to describe the Greasers actions and feelings towards the news of there brother Johnny's death. And how it has changed there thinking and actions towards the Soc.

The changes I felt were the biggest in the Book, The Outsiders, written by S.E Hinton.
Were when Johnny was in hospital, slowly and painfully dying.
And because it was the saddest bit in the book for me I thought it changed the direction the book was going in because, it changed the Greasers mindset of them losing the ones they loved the most.
For Example when Need to know name found out that his brother passed away he couldn't even live with himself, so he stole, and went back to his old ways, because I think when he felt and realised that his Angel like brother was gone and that to him there wasn't any point of life.
The director showed this by telling us some of the senses he felt during this rough time.

Another important incident was when all the Greasers fought the Socs.
the reason being was because they said that they were doing it for Johnny, but really Johnny changed after he saved those little children in the church fire, his last words were to Ponyboy, the brother who ran away with him, and changed throughout the book as well. Johnny quoted stay Gold Ponyboy, stay gold.

And what I think that meant was to be you, because there isn't another you in the whole world, and you should stay true to yourself, don't worry what the brothers think of you, because you a one of a kind.

Throughout the whole book I felt that  the author S.E Hinton was putting out a message and that message was, no matter where you come from or who you are it isn't too late to change for the better.

And because of that I have learnt a great lesson in life.  

Sexxxy Paragraph

Sexxxy Paragraph

Many objects are used as symbols, such as  
The ostrich Bracelet,(x2) It represents LOVE as it was passed down from from being given from P.k.s
Father to his mother and then from P.k to Maria.(x2) The director did this to show the strong love between P.k and Maria, and this combines well with the dialogue, I will come and get you after I graduate, confirming their love for one another.
Similarly, in the Notebook, the symbol of a notebook represents the true love between the two main characters.

Not only was symbolism a method used to engage the audience, but flashback was to
When pk got knocked down by Gideon Duma He flashbacked to the elephant to when he was younger
This makes us understand that P.k needed encouragement and hope to keep fighting, and this was a captivating method, that the director used effectively to remind us of his past
This combined well with sound effects of the Elephant charging which made it a terrific scene.
This can be Juxtaposed to the flashback of Simba with the stampeding animals.

Symbolism,  flashback and music were fantastic methods used to interest  the audience
At the start of the film, we hear native African music and this helps is that the film is based in South Africa
The purpose of this is to help get a better feeling for the landscape, and combines extremely well will with establishing shots of the scenery.
This links to the end of the film were Pk and Duma run off across the African terrain, with the film similarly to how it started.

Different Types of Acids on Marin Coral



I am going to investigate what different types of acids will do to Marin Coral.
different types of acids 
Coral or shells
3 test tubes 
first things first I started by getting all the equipment we needed to test our investigation.

Once I finished setting everything up, I went ahead on trying to mimic Sea Water with Table Salt and Water.

after that I put 5m of the salt water in two of the test tubes, and then I  started off with putting The strongest Sort of acid called Nitric Acid in one of the test tubes. 
I carefully placed it in the test tube (that had salt water in it) then placed 2 pieces of coral. It started bubbling & then the water turned a white colour.
I left it for about 5 minutes while I was working on the other acids. 
At that time I noticed it went back to a clear colour.

I did the same with a different type of acid. This acid was called Hydrochloric acid. 

It did exactly the same thing as the Nitric acid did.

and then I had a thought of what would coral do if it didn't have seawater and just Acid.

So I then put 2 pieces of coral in to test tube, then I placed 5m of Nitric acid in the test tube. (I thought it would be best to use the strongest sort of acid) It didn't change colour like the other two witch have salt water in so then I thought maybe it had to do with the salt water as that was the only thing I took away.
............................................................................................................Before pictures:

This was the Coral before I started on my experiment.  

This was it after I smashed it to tiny pieces.

The reason I did this was so it could fit in the test tubes, and because I would have to use a lot of acid to get a after. 

This was all the equipment I needed to test my theory. 

Here we have Coral, Beakers, Test tubes, Rack, Different types of acids, Salt & water.   

This wasn't apart of my experiment but I thought it would be cool to show you what the coral looks like up close.
Here you can see the little tiny holes. Those little spots were  how they reproduced to make bigger Coral. 

This was The white colour in turned in 5 minutes of leaving it. 
It then changed back to the original colour.

A clear colour, the same colour as water.

I left it over the weekend 

Tuesday 1 August 2017


Term 3 Science

Acids: They Contain "free" H+ ions (Hydrogen).
(These attract negative ions)

Alkalis: They Contain "Free" OH- ions (Hydroxide).
They attract Negative ions) 

Just say you have a cut on your finger and then you put lemon juice on you, because there is now more +Positive ions once acid gets in your system, they attracts themselves to -Negative ions, Because Positives & Negatives attract and bond. 
This process works both ways, but they are opposites.

H+ & OH- = H2O Both equal amounts of Alkalis & Acids Make H2O (Water) which is neutral. 
So the challenge is to mix the two & make drinkable water. 

Here is a Link to my Ocean Acidification worksheet: