
Monday 14 August 2017

Mimicking H2O!

Mimicking H2O 

Aim: My Aim is to Mimic Water (H2O), We can do this by using NaOh & Hcl (a Bass & a Acid). 
If we get the same amount of NaOh & Hcl together we will make Water.

Equipment Needed:
Universal Indicator 
Measuring Cylinder 

First you are going to Get your your Equipment out, then you get your Bass, Acid and also your Universal indicator. 

You go ahead and measure inside your Measuring Cylinder 10ml of NaOh. Once you have got 10ml of NaOh you place it carefully into your Beaker. 
You put your Universal Indicator in and what the Universal Indicator does is shows the colour of the liquid to see if it is more acidic or has to much bass in. 
After you wash your measuring Cylinder you measure 10ml of Hcl, you get your Pipette and put little bits at a time in the Beaker that contains NaOh & Universal Indicator in it.
After every  pinch of Hcl you mix the beaker, once it changes colours either to purple/blue to Red/Orange 

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