
Wednesday 6 September 2017

Fall for free  

This is finally it. My lifelong dream that has also been a challenge ever since I was just a little girl is about to come true in just a push of a button.
You see my mum use to travel all around the world, and yes I used use to.

Related imageIt has been 11 years, 4 months & 27 days since I last saw my mum. My dad told me with tears rushing down his face that mum was travelling around the world for awhile, but I knew that wasn't a happy cry. After he told me the sad news I had to fake my knowing of everything and I just kept it to myself. I even did a memorial in my backyard under the blooming cherry tree my mum & I planted together. She always said to me when I turned 18 we would fly over to Hawaii, just the two of us and jump out of a air-plane. She also said it was a sign of freedom, Courage, strength & most of all bravery to fall into oblivion.
I admired my Mum so much. All of her aspirations in life were gone in an instant. My fear was no longer existent and my mum’s aspirations were now mine.

3...2...1.. Were now the last words I heard before Falling.

Falling to gain courage, falling to be strong, falling to live in freedom, Falling for my Mum.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun and an interesting experience. It is a lovely and personal experience! It was start to the point but still get us feel how you felt.


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