
Friday 29 September 2017

Random Writing

Dangerous sports should be banned.

Screenshot 2017-09-27 at 1.54.04 PM.pngI think Dangerous Sport should be banned because it can result in very bad injuries and in some cases death.

For Example if has the word danger in it. The definition of danger is the possibility of suffering harm or injury.  It is completely up to you if you wanted to do dangerous sports or jobs, but if you were to continue on with playing, I think you should read about the risks of a hit to different parts of your body.

Boxing should not be classified as a sport

Boxing should not be classified as a sport as I think it is to dangerous to be played as an option for kids in primary, High school or even as a job or a hobbie.
As it is very unsafe as you can get a hit to the head and get a brain injury or die, I just think any sports that will cause you to have a head injury or worst should be banned for young kids and in some case adults.

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