
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Sex offenders should be imprisoned for life Essay

Sex Offenders should be imprisoned for life.

Catch em (optional): “Why am I the one chained to the bed, When you should be the one locked up instead”

Paragraph 1:

I think sex offenders should be imprisoned for life because they should have consequences for doing what they do to other humans.
For example one of the Universal Declarations of Human Rights is “Everyone has the right to freedom without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or another's opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or another status.”
This is a HUMAN RIGHT, as it states whether you are a different color, whether you speak French, Portuguese, Samoan, Maori, whether you are Asian, Indian, American, African Etc. 
You are entitled to these rights as human beings.
So again for a Human being to do that to another is why I am Writing my Essay on Sex Offenders.
As I want to be that voice for the less fortunate ones who go through these struggles on a daily Basis.

Paragraph 2:

Not only is it a violation of the Human Rights, but by having a variety of sex with different people you can spread diseases.
You may have thought that there were only three types of diseases (as they are commonly known.) Such as HIV (the virus that causes Aids), syphilis and herpes.
But there are in fact more diseases that can be spread sexually that not even I knew about. These diseases are called - gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, vaginitis, viral hepatitis.
40% of rape survivors develop sexually transmitted diseases as a result of sexual assault.
Just think about every victim in brothels, girls & boys that are being trafficked, even Prostitutes. They have to live with Diseases, horrid memories, trust issues, and so much more for there whole life. So I ask this question again, why not send sex offenders to be imprisoned permanently for there consequences that they have done continually?

Paragraph 3:

If you search up the definition of  Sex offenders in google it comes up with "A Person who commits a crime involving a sexual act." Then if you write human trafficking, the definition comes up with "The action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation."
If people know that human trafficking is wrong, false, unlawful etc, then why not do anything about it?
We live in a society where it is okay to be watching kids on the streets selling themselves.
We live in a society where Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography,
And Search engines get 116,000 queries every day related to child pornography.
If we start by putting sex offenders in jail for life we can then start working on fixing everything else.
So I leave you with this question.
Would you like to see children chained up to there beds or would you like to see sex offenders imprison for life instead?

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